The mission of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand is change the law to entitle adults, with a terminal illness or an irreversible condition that makes their life unbearable, to have the right to choose how and when to die and to have medical assistance to accomplish that. We call this end-of-life choice.
We provide information about and the opportunities for open and frank discussion on, the legal rights of people to obtain assistance in ending their lives and the legal alternatives that are available to such an action, when they suffer from, or may in the future suffer from, an incurable disease or condition which they find unbearable.
We offer assistance, sympathy and support that may legally be given in any aspects of assisted dying to persons faced with the prospect of suffering from an incurable disease or condition, which makes, or may in the future make, their lives unbearable and to give the same assistance, sympathy and support to their relatives, friends and helpers.
We also provide venues and opportunities for debate and discussion on all aspects of the legal rights of people to obtain assistance to end their lives, and the alternatives to that, when a person is faced with an incurable and unbearable disease or condition.
At all times, in the information and support we give, we work within the current law in New Zealand.