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Helpful guide to making a public submission on assisted dying and suicide to the Health Select Committee

19 Nov 2015 5:00 PM | Philip Patston (Administrator)

As you may already know, Maryan Street presented her submission on 14 October 2015 and the Health Select Committee is taking public submissions on assisted dying and suicide until February 2016.

The Health Select Committee wants to hear from New Zealanders about their beliefs and concerns about end of life choices. It's your chance to tell our politicians how you feel about end of life care and the choices you want to have.

Matt Vickers has put this helpful guide on Lecretia's website. Please look at it and make a submission.

We can't let this opportunity slide by. If we don't speak up now, we won't get what we want.


  • 27 Oct 2015 11:59 AM | Liz Beesley
    I believe we need euthanasia to be made legal,with of course,careful safeguards put in place.How people who are terminally ill can be kept alive when they are suffering so badly is beyond me(just putting them on pain medication does NOT mean that they are not suffering in other ways).We need to have some control and choice over the way we go out.So,politicians,LETS DO THE RIGHT THING,AND LEGALISE EUTHANASIA!!!
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  • 31 Oct 2015 2:13 PM | Colleen Spiro
    I have COPD and WILL DIE FROM IT....I believe when I have suffered enough, I will know, and it should be an informed decision between myself and my doctor that I DECIDE when I leave this world. We should NOT treat humans worse than we do animals. Assisted dying is not suicide, it is a choice to say I have lived my life, I now want to go on my terms. HAPPY in the knowledge you have made the right CHOICE.
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  • 17 Nov 2015 9:21 PM | Kimra Stephens
    I believe that it's our life our choice. When you are so ill that there is no way out and your quality of life is gone then we should have the right to decide what to do. Not someone who doesn't know the suffering you are going through.
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    • 27 Dec 2015 11:54 AM | Brenda Anderson-Coley
      We don't choose to live, that decision is made by two parents, we should however, if our quality of life is gone due to terminal illness, the right should exist, not only in Holland, but in every country around the world, for the patient to choose euthenasia. Not forgetting though, that we are ALL terminal, nobody lives forever), the patient/person suffering should be the one to decide when the pain gets too much to bear, or if there's nobody to care for them anymore, the right should exist, for the patient or by way of written, signed (by the patient), their immediate family should decide when to take them off life-support. Terminal aggressive cancer or other unbearable pain and suffering, the right should exist, to exit the world by way of their last remaining human right, and in most cases, for the family to be at their side, to hold them, kiss their forehead, and/or hold their hand and play their favourite music as the patient slips from the world, the world which, it seems, would rather see each patient suffer, arrogantly denying the patient of the right to be free of their pain. Euthanasia should certainly be declared to be legal.!
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      • 03 Jan 2016 12:46 AM | Jannine Hodgson
        This is exactly what i wanted to say...... thank you for writing this, it just seems to make sense, we and our loved ones are the ones to decide. Please declare this to be legal.
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  • 12 Dec 2015 11:26 AM | Jeanette Garnett
    I have watched my mother, father, and only brother die from cancers and their experiences were vastly different at the end, depending on the personality/beliefs/values of the nurse or other medical staff caring for them at the end. I would not wish my mother's death on my worst enemy. As I now have heart failure, I have carefully read the Hospice Associations creed on end of life care and it is so good I believe it should be made law. Specifically the promise that a person has the right to opt out of resuscitation and medications other than those keeping them as 'comfortable' as possible. Most particularly, the RIGHT TO CONTINUE PALLIATIVE MEDICATIONS EVEN IF THEY MAY BE PUSHING THE PERSON INTO END OF LIFE. This is not suicide in any form in my opinion and simply an ethical counter to the prolonging of life by modern care methods.
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  • 27 Dec 2015 1:30 PM | Ian Rolfe-Vyson
    Let's Do This Make Euthanasia Legal
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  • 31 Dec 2015 9:37 AM | Verna McIntosh
    I totally believe in euthanasia, have seen my Grandmother, Mother, Autie, suffer through The indignities of dying, cruel sole destroying,
    Rest homes can only do so much, no quality of life just a body,
    Cancer can be so cruel, auntie took the stand of Nil by mouth, brave Lady, but hard to watch.
    I do not want to be forced to live under any of the circumstances I have witnessed, in my book it is inhuman.
    Have already told my husband I would rather be taken overseas to be euthanasised will be writing this all down.
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  • 01 Jan 2016 12:51 PM | Ellen
    I believe we should have the right to die when we chose, if suffering from terminal illness or other awful debilitating disease where there is no cure. If our pets are suffering we have them euthanized. It is the kind thing to do to end their suffering. Why does this not apply to human life?
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  • 03 Jan 2016 1:50 PM | Trish Seaton
    It is about individual choice. Any MP who thinks otherwise does not deserve their salary. We need to be able to die with some dignity. None of us are going to get out of this life, alive. If each individual was at least offered the choice. It isn't about killing off the mentally disabled, or the old and infirm. There are laws to protect them.
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