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We had an email last week from one of our members in reply to an email we'd sent about Advanced Directives and our "Guide to Dying Your Way".
She has two really good ideas: 1) Organ donor and 2) Life Tube. We asked her permission to pass them on.
It would also be possible to attach your AD to your fridge door - transparent plastic sleeve tied to a hinge maybe? We're sure you'll be able to think of some creative ways to stick it there.
She said:
A year or so ago I downloaded the 'Guide to Dying your Way' and subsequently amended it to suit myself and took my Advance Directive to my GP who was impressed and helpful. As this is not a legal document, one can add whatever one wants and after discussing with my GP, we added, 'I also request that my body be donated to the Auckland Medical School if deemed appropriate. I have made contact with them. But if I am required to have an autopsy, my body organs may be donated'. I feel that some altruistic members may like to consider these additions. I keep a copy of my Advance Directive in an Age Concern 'Life Tube' in the fridge - a 'Life Tube' red and white sticker is on the outside of the fridge, and I have written 'organ donor' on this. You may know about these Life Tubes - primarily for storing a record of medication for St John Ambulance should they be called.
A year or so ago I downloaded the 'Guide to Dying your Way' and subsequently amended it to suit myself and took my Advance Directive to my GP who was impressed and helpful. As this is not a legal document, one can add whatever one wants and after discussing with my GP, we added, 'I also request that my body be donated to the Auckland Medical School if deemed appropriate. I have made contact with them. But if I am required to have an autopsy, my body organs may be donated'.
I feel that some altruistic members may like to consider these additions.
I keep a copy of my Advance Directive in an Age Concern 'Life Tube' in the fridge - a 'Life Tube' red and white sticker is on the outside of the fridge, and I have written 'organ donor' on this. You may know about these Life Tubes - primarily for storing a record of medication for St John Ambulance should they be called.
© End-Of-Life Choice • PO Box 48 241, Silverstream, Upper Hutt 5142 •